
Wednesday 23 September 2020

Patterns 3


I was looking across the beach to see if I could see the boat still. He was going to the Bermuda Triangle. He was my greatest friend. I knew that he was going too... It all started when the king wanted all these tails of the Bermuda Triangle to be proven that you will die or not die. He asked the navy officers but they were too scared to go. Then they started asking the town no one wanted. Until it happened on my table I saw a note from my friend that said he was going to the Bermuda Triangle. I used my horse and looked from the beach to see if I could still see him. It has been 2 months since he has left. I have made a hole and started getting metal for my boat. 1 year has passed. I made a boat 10 times stronger than the titanic. I set sail as soon as I could. When something hits it it will make a big boom noise. I have made it to the Bermuda Triangle. I have been looking for 1 month now. I can’t find him. It doesn’t look like a boat has been here since ever. Until I see his boat being attacked by a massive octopus. I see that he needs help. I go in to  help him, the octopus has been defeated. But at that moment when it looked like they were safe. The biggest shark had come to attack. I come in to help him, the shark was destroying him. I come and help him. It took a long time to do it. I told him we need to get out of here. At that moment a giant creature with lots of teeth came up from the water and attacked. In the distance I could see ships coming. I saw that there were ghost’s on board. I wish that things could not get worse. But the ghosts were on our side. We fought a nonfightable fight. I thanked the ghosts but they started to fight us. I saw a man swimming in the water super fast. He went through the boats like nothing. I saw it must be fish man. He was holding some 3 pointed stick. He was doing great so we started to get my friend's crew on board. By the time we got everyone on board. The fish guy came on board. He told us his name was Aquaman. We came home to have a great feast and the tails were told. I never went near it again.

Bermuda Triangle Story Questions

Bermuda Triangle Story - Questions
Please read the article on Antarctica here before answering the questions.

Flight 19

1) When did Flight 19 disappear?
a) December 5, 1947 b) December 4, 1945
c) December 21, 1945 d) December 5, 1945

2) How many bomber planes went missing first? 
a) 1 b) 7
c) 5 d) none of them went missing

3) Where did Flight 19 depart from? 
a) Puerto Rico b) New Zealand
c) Florida d) Bermuda

Miami Cruiser

4) When did the Miami Cruiser disappear? 
a) December 22, 1867 b) December 22, 1967 
c) December 23, 1967 d) December 22, 1977 

5) How many minutes did it take for the coast guard to reach the location? 
a) 20 minutes b) 12 minutes
c) 19 minutes d) 21 minutes

6) Did they ever find the ship?
a) Yes after 3 days b) Yes after 3 years
c) Yes after 18 minutes d) No they never saw it again

USS Cyclops

7) When did the USS Cyclops go missing? 
a) March 1918 b) October 1918
c) April 1918 d) It never went missing

8) How many crew were on board? 
a) None b) 209
c) 307 d) 309

9) The captain of the ship _______?
a) Called for help 100 times b) Radioed for help 
c) Never sent a distress call d) Had a party 

10) According to your reading more than how many ships and planes have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle?   
a) 700 b) 150

c) 275 d) 100

Bermuda Triangle Stories

Bermuda Triangle Stories

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Pack your suitcase

Patterns 2

Writing Where is the Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle Location

Bermuda Triangle Location Questions

Bermuda Triangle Location - Questions
Please read the article on Antarctica here before answering the questions.

Atlantic Ocean

1) The Atlantic Ocean is the what _______ biggest ocean in the world
a) First b) Third
c) Fifth d) Second

2) What continents surround the Atlantic Ocean? 
a) America, Europe & Asia b) America, Europe & Antarctica
c) America, Europe & Africa d) America, Asia & Africa


3) What is the capital city of Bermuda? 
a) Hamilton b) Auckland 
c) Wellington d) Christchurch

4) How many islands make up Bermuda?
a) 120 b) 180
c) 181 d) 179

Puerto Rico

5) Puerto Rico also borders what sea? 
a) Caspian Sea b) Red Sea
c) Caribbean Sea d) Mediterranian Sea

6) Puerto Rico is part of what commonwealth? 
a) United Kingdom b) United States
c) New Zealand d) Australia

7) What are the official languages of Puerto Rico?
a) English & Spanish b) English & French
c) Spanish & French d) Spanish & Latin


8) What is Florida also referred to as?
a) The Rainy State b) The Cloudy State
c) The Sunshine State d) The Bottom State

9) Florida is what state of America?   
a) 23rd b) 28th
c) 29th d) 27th

10) What popular tourist destination is in Florida?
a) Rainbows End b) Dream World

c) Disneyland d) Disney World

Bermuda Triangle Geography

Monday 21 September 2020

Very Safe Voyage through the Bermuda Triangle


Bermuda Questions

Bermuda Triangle - Questions
Please read the article on Antarctica here before answering the questions.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle?

1) What ocean is the Bermuda Triangle in?
a) Pacific Ocean b) Indian Ocean
c) Atlantic Ocean d) Arctic Ocean

2) The Bermuda triangle is actually a triangle in the ocean? 
a) True b) False

3) What countries do NOT fall between the triangles? 
a) Puerto Rico b) New Zealand
c) Florida d) Bermuda

Not officially on the map!

4) The Bermuda Triangle appears on all of the oficial world maps? 
a) Yes all of them b) No but it does on some 
c) No not on any d) I don’t know because I didn’t read the article

5) The exact boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are not universally _______ upon. 
a) Agreed b) Disagreed
c) Argued d) Accurate

6) What do some people think about the Bermuda Triangle?
a) It is very different from other oceans b) Nothing
c) It is actually no different than other parts of the ocean d) Who cares

What is the Bermuda Triangle?

7) Unexplained occurrences in the region date to what century? 
a) Mid -19th b) Late - 19th
c) 18th d) 21st

8) Some ships have been discovered, some abandoned and some? 
a) Having a party in the ocean b) Never seen or heard from again
c) In another ocean d) Playing video games

Mystery or explained?

9) Research suggested that many of the reports were what?
a) Exaggerated b) Super True
c) Accurate d) Confirmed

10) What are some of the reasons research has suggested happened to airplanes and ships?   
a) Bad weather & human error b) Bad weather & Sleeping pilots 

c) Sleeping pilots & pirates d) Trick question there is no research to suggest anything